Global Walk Inspires Hope One Step at a Time

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“Global Walk Inspires Hope One Step at a Time”  Inspire, Hope, Walk, Children
One of the best articles to date that explains the mission and heart of nonprofit #GlobalWalkInc which I have the honor of leading.  Thanks to the incredible writing of @AllieShipe of #NationalReligiousBroadcasters for highlighting the purpose of Global Walk and our focus on walking and praying for children and world peace during #MilitaryAppreciationMonth 2024.
“… to raise funds and bring awareness to children’s charities, humanitarian relief, and more….
Walks for peace to financially benefit causes that {seek our} support.  Throughout Garcia’s numerous, storied advocacy endeavors, {Danny Garcia Walking Man} has walked to raise awareness of crises and disasters, fund emergency infrastructure projects, and most importantly, to meditate and pray for those in need.”